July 2018

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Part II To Read Part 1 click here. From dancer to choreographer, the leap can be made when you seize opportunities, when you overcome your hesitations and when you access your own artistry and creativity. In the second of this 2-part interview series with Kenneth Walker, we learn that collaborations make a choreographer. So when did I feel like I was a professional choreographer?? Turns out

From dancer to choreographer, the leap can be made when you seize opportunities, when you overcome your hesitations and when you access your own artistry and creativity. In this 2-part series, we learn how Kenneth Walker emerged as a choreographer… Part I – An emerging choreographer. The running joke is that I started choreographing because I couldn't learn any of the steps in class, so I'd just make it up as I went along. That's only partially true. I would often blank out in petite allegro, even though I loved