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Jana Taylor

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Jana Taylor

Jana Taylor

Jana Taylor is a choreographer, dancer, teacher, and the artistic director of her company Jana Taylor + Dancers. Jana’s choreography has been featured at Los Angeles Dance Festival, Highways Performance Space, MashUp’s International Women’s Day Festival at Bootleg Theater, SoCal Dance Invitational, Dance in the Desert Las Vegas, RAW Artists OC, NDEO National Conference, Concordia University, and beyond. As a choreographer, Jana was a recipient of Dance Resource Center LA’s HomeGrown choreography residency at UCLA and SHIFT/west residency at Brockus Project Studios of LA. Jana holds a BA degree in dance and has performed as a dancer at the Disneyland Resort, and with dance companies such as Nannette Brodie Dance Theatre, and AkomiDance. Jana teaches ballet, modern dance, and contemporary dance throughout Orange County and is on faculty at Orange County School of the Arts and Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts.


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