KWDP presents: Little by little, AKA Poco a Poco
LOS ANGELES, CA: July 5, 2011— Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company, premieres new work along with audience favorites for the seventh season in a row in an evening entitled "Little by Little, AKA Poco a Poco" one night only on Saturday, August 13, 2011, 7:30 pm at Martha B. Knoebel Dance Theatre, California State University Long Beach, 6200 East Atherton, Street, Long Beach CA 90840. Tickets are $13 presale, $18 at the door, $10 for students/seniors/DRC Members. All purchases at the door are cash/check only. DRC, student, and senior tickets, please contact us for a discount code at Tickets are available at
Kenneth Walker Dance Project’s, “From the Ground Up”
Kenneth Walker Dance Project, a southern California contemporary ballet company, premieres new works on August 14, 2010 at California State University, Long Beach.
Kenneth Walker Dance Project’s “Mortgaged Dreams”
Long Beach, CA, July 06, 2009 -- Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company and Lester Horton Award nominee, based in Southern California , premieres new works along with audience favorites for the fifth season in a row.
Patronizing and Supporting Dance
The climate that art lives in is a difficult one at best. For years we've all dealt with repeated cuts in arts funding for our artists and for arts education by our government. I think it is safe to assume that this course will not be altered soon by either political party. Our European counterparts
Kenneth Walker Dance Project 4th Season Premieres in San Pedro
LOS ANGELES, CA: July 25, 2008 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company and Lester Horton Award nominee, based in Southern California, premieres new works along with audience favorites for the fourth season in a row.
Kenneth Walker Dance Project premieres new works in Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, CA: July 7, 2008 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company and Lester Horton Award nominee, based in Southern California, premieres new works along with audience favorites for the fourth season in a row
Kenneth Walker Dance Project nominated for Lester Horton Award
LOS ANGELES, CA: March 1, 2008 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company based in southern California has been nominated for the prestigious Lester Horton Dance Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Performance by a Company
Kenneth Walker Dance Project appears in New York City
LOS ANGELES , CA : August 7th, 2007 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company based in Southern California has been selected by the American Dance Guild to perform Focus on the Middle Distance, Thursday September 6th, 2007, 8:00 pm,
Kenneth Walker Dance Project Premieres “Sheer Force of Will”
LOS ANGELES, CA: July 30th, 2007 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company based in Southern California, premieres new works in Los Angeles on Friday, August 31st and Saturday, September 1st, both at 8:00 pm at the Diavolo Dance Space,
Kenneth Walker Dance Project returns to Piccolo Spoleto for a 2nd season
LOS ANGELES, CA: May 14, 2007 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company based in Southern California, returns to the prestigious Piccolo Spoleto festival in Charleston, South Carolina for the second time in as many years.
Kenneth Walker Dance Project Showcases Highlights at a Gala Performance
LOS ANGELES, CA: January 1, 2007 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project, a contemporary ballet company based in Southern California, kicks off its 3rd season with a Gala performance. Experience highlights of the company’s best solos and duets including Someday, Maybe, Forever
Kenneth Walker Dance Project premieres new works for a second season
LOS ANGELES, CA: July 5, 2006 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company based in Southern California, concludes their first national tour by performing at home to present a full evening including the audience favorite Groove Juice and the return of Flesh and Blood at Alva’s Performing Arts Gallery in San Pedro.