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LOS ANGELES, CA:  July 5, 2011— Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company, premieres new work along with audience favorites for the seventh season in a row in an evening entitled "Little by Little, AKA Poco a Poco" one night only on Saturday, August 13, 2011, 7:30 pm at Martha B. Knoebel Dance Theatre, California State University Long Beach, 6200 East Atherton, Street, Long Beach CA 90840. Tickets are $13 presale, $18 at the door, $10 for students/seniors/DRC Members. All purchases at the door are cash/check only. DRC, student, and senior tickets, please contact us for a discount code at Tickets are available at

LOS ANGELES, CA: July 5, 2006 - Kenneth Walker Dance Project (KWDP), a contemporary ballet company based in Southern California, concludes their first national tour by performing at home to present a full evening including the audience favorite Groove Juice and the return of Flesh and Blood at Alva’s Performing Arts Gallery in San Pedro.